Georgiary Bledsoe (Ph.D. musicology, 2002) is Co-Director of SankofaSongs Summer Institute

With a theme of Scott Joplin’s grand opera Treemonisha, the 2021 institute will offer three days of programming featuring an expert faculty, panel discussions, presentations, workshops and experiential learning. This groundbreaking initiative is presented by SankofaSongs and the Hayti Heritage Center, with support from the NC Humanities Council, sets the stage for teaching music of the African diaspora with authenticity, context and confidence.
SankofaSongs is the non-profit arm of BaobaoTree LLC, a company founded by Georgiary Bledsoe that equips K-12 music educators with tools for teaching music of the African Diaspora in ways that convey authentic practice, provide cultural context and center the voices of culture-bearers by supplying curriculum, training and professional development.