Graduate Studies Office
- The Graduate Studies Assistant (DGSA) will assist you with any questions about registration, requirements, examinations, or other matters. The DGSA office is in Biddle 109.
- The DGSA maintains copies of sample exams (Language, Qualifying, Diagnostic) and syllabi for 190S courses.
- The DGS regularly offers weekly office hours to meet with graduate students. Sign up for a meeting with the DGSA.
- The DGS and DGSA frequently send communications through email. Make sure you check your Duke email account regularly.
- All graduate students should ensure that they have been given access to the listserv. Composers should additionally subscribe to the listserv. Both are maintained by the Music Graduate Student Association (MGSA).
- Job announcements, fellowship/grant announcements, and composition contest announcements, as well as important information from the Graduate School are emailed to musgrads and/or composers listservs. The information may also be posted outside the Concert Manager’s office (Biddle 111) as well as outside faculty offices. This information is not duplicated for distribution to individual mailboxes. Students should check this board and other departmental bulletin boards periodically.
Departmental Facilities and Services
Graduate Study Lounge
Room 036 is designated as a study and lounge space for Music graduate students. It is a shared space and should be kept tidy. Room 036 has an internet connection for your laptops. You can get a key from the department Business Manager in Room 105.
Graduate Computer Room
The computers and printer in room 034 and 036 are available for Music graduate student use. Keys are available at the Reception Desk in Room 105.
Computer Music Facilities
Notation and sound editing software is installed on the computers in the Graduate Computer Room. Portable recording equipment can be checked out from the Music Department Office (Room 105). Graduate students enrolled in computer music or digital media courses may have access to more specialized software tools and equipment in the Emergence Lab in the Smith Warehouse. Contact Prof. John Supko for more information. Students should speak to the DGS about gaining card access to Smith Warehouse.
Graduate students may request the use of a locker in the Music Department Office (Room 105). Those wishing to keep their lockers year-round must let us know in May of each year.
Practice Rooms
Practice rooms with pianos, organs, and harpsichords are open during the academic year. Performance Practice students studying those instruments may reserve times for priority access. Organ and harpsichord rooms are kept locked; keys may be checked out from the Music Department Office.
TA Necessities
TAs and Graduate Instructors will be assigned shared offices for the term in which they teach. Keys must be returned when grades are turned in. Basic supplies (gradebooks, pads, and pens) may be obtained at the Reception Desk in Room 105. Reservations for rooms for extra class meetings may also be made at the Reception Desk or by the student through Duke 25 Live.
A copier, which accepts cash or cards, is available in the library. For special projects requiring the more sophisticated capabilities of the departmental machine, permission for use may be requested in Room 105. Copies needed for teaching-related duties may be made on the departmental copier. TAs/GIs will be issued codes for the copier.