Departmental Series, Ensembles, and Instrument Collection

Lecture Series

Each year the department invites outstanding scholars from the United States and abroad to present their research. Often, the visitor will lead a special seminar meeting or workshop as well. These lectures are opportunities to learn firsthand about new developments in the discipline as well as meet scholars who may become future colleagues. You are expected to attend the lectures and to participate in the discussions. You might also attend lectures by visitors at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Department Colloquia

Music faculty and graduate students are invited to share their work in the department’s Colloquia Series, which is organized by a member of the graduate faculty.  You should speak to your adviser if you are interested in presenting your research as part of this series.

Concert Series

Internationally acclaimed musicians and composers are invited to the campus for concerts, workshops, and master classes every season. Students may attend rehearsals and, in some cases, work with the artists. In addition to the concerts presented by Duke Arts, the Music Department presents professional concerts by the resident Ciompi Quartet as well as concerts of jazz, contemporary music, and organ recitals. The departmental student ensembles also perform regularly on campus.


The Duke Symphony Orchestra, Chorale, Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, Djembe Ensemble, Opera Theater, Chamber Music, dnme (Duke New Music Ensemble), and the Duke Chapel choral ensembles are important outlets for students to participate in performance guided by faculty artists.  Graduate students are welcome to join as long as participation does not interfere with their studies. 

Duke University Musical Instrument Collections (DUMIC)

The Duke University Musical Instrument Collections (DUMIC) are founded on the flagship collection, the G. Norman and Ruth G. Eddy Collection of Musical Instruments, which arrived at Duke in 2000.  The Eddy Collection has inspired further gifts and the acquisition of the Frans and Willemina de Hen-Bijl Collection of Musical Instruments, which arrived in 2003.  The Robert D. Miller Collection of replicas of early instruments and related materials, including a small library of printed music, was bequeathed to DUMIC in 2006.  Other instruments in the collection were given as individual gifts and are registered as part of DUMIC.  While the Eddy Collection consists primarily of instruments and paintings of instruments from America and Europe, the de Hen Collection includes over 200 musical instruments, 100 reel-to-reel field recordings, and 1000 slides of instruments from all over the world.  Selected instruments are available for concert use by faculty, guest artists, and students.  Instruments may also be used for lecture-demonstrations, classroom teaching, scholarly research, and conferences.  Consult the curator for guidelines on using instruments.