Audition InformationRefer to schedule and ensemble contacts listRehearsal ScheduleNOTE: DNME is on hiatus for the Fall 2023 semester. |
The purpose of DNME is to foster an appreciation and understanding of new music through the study and performance of music of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Students will gain a deeper understanding of modern performance practices and techniques as they collaborate with living composers and local professional musicians.
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“The birth of a winning new music enterprise in Durham … this ensemble rocks!” - Classical Voice of North Carolina
"The Duke New Music Ensemble reminds us that we've got A-listers at home, too." - Independent Weekly
[dnme] Videos
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Moog Modular 1c synthesizer
This Moog Modular 1c synthesizer is owned by Duke University and was recently restored to working condition by Duke student Jeffrey Wubbenhorst (Class of 2019). (Photo Credits: Eren Gumrukcuoglu)