The Department of Music is committed to maintaining an open and tolerant atmosphere for the exchange of ideas. This can only happen in a climate of respect for all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or other points of difference. It requires that we welcome diverse viewpoints in our discussions, and that we remain open to the contrasting approaches and systems of value that come with these viewpoints. Such encounters with difference can alert us to our own structural privileges or disadvantages, allowing us to see ourselves more clearly. We recognize that we gain as a community, and in our scholarly and artistic work, when we can challenge our assumptions, confront our biases, and defend our beliefs openly in an environment of mutual support.
Behaviors that threaten the climate of respect in the Department of Music can be serious enough to violate federal law. These include sexual harassment, assault, research misconduct, and asset misappropriation. Any faculty member, staff member, or graduate student who becomes aware of such a violation is legally required to notify University administrators. Departmental officers can help faculty, staff, and graduate students to locate the proper administrator; please see as well the resources linked below.
Other behaviors do not fall under the category of federally-specified discriminatory behaviors, but may still threaten free, open, and respectful discussions. In such cases, faculty members should contact the chair, who will work with faculty on possible solutions. Faculty may also contact the following offices directly: the university’s Office for Institutional Equity, the Ombudsperson unit, and the Dean of Humanities. Staff may contact the business manager and/or chair. Graduate students may contact the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), who will work with the graduate student on possible solutions. Should a departmental solution not be possible or effective, the issue will be referred to the Trinity Graduate Dean. Graduate students are encouraged to consult the “Grievances” section in the graduate program expectations document and the Graduate School’s website on reporting.
We encourage all departmental faculty, staff, and graduate students to consult the following documents, which outline Duke University’s values and legal obligations, and detail mechanisms for discussing grievances:
- (Use menu for Duke Statement of Ethical Principles and Duke Community Standard)
- Harassment Policies and Procedures (January 2019)
- Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures: Duke's Commitment to Title IX
- Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct
- Nondiscrimination Statement