Admissions & Artistic Supplements in Music
If you have significant musical experience, you may submit an Artistic Supplement to be evaluated by Music Department faculty. Submitting an Artistic Supplement does not require you to major or minor in music, but reflects your interest in engaging with the Music Department at Duke.
Artistic Supplement Requirements
- A minimum of two selections representing contrasting styles or periods
- Recordings uploaded through Slideroom should total 7-15 minutes
- Each selection must be an unedited solo performance (accompaniment is optional except with singing) or composition. Composers should submit a score of their work in addition to an uploaded recording.
- Please do not send choral, orchestral or ensemble performances unless you were featured as a soloist at some point during the performance. Please trim your recording to the appropriate solo section or specify the exact time with your submission.
Artistic Supplement Deadline
For the 2024-25 school year, all supplementary artistic materials must be submitted by November 4, 2024 for Early Decision or January 2, 2025 for Regular Decision.
Artistic Supplement Submission
Duke only accepts artistic supplements submitted through the online Slideroom portal. Do not mail Artistic Supplements to the Music Department office or to the Admissions Office, as those materials will not be formally reviewed.
To apply to Duke or find other general information, go to the Duke Undergraduate Admissions website.