Angela R. Mace

Dr. Mace's article on Fanny Mendelssohn's Easter Sonata was just published in the Journal of Musicological Research. This article is the culmination of her PhD dissertation work on the Easter Sonata that led to her rediscovery of the autograph manuscript in 2010.

Angela Mace Christian, "The Easter Sonata of Fanny Mendelssohn (1828)," Journal of Musicological Research, 41/3 (2022), 182-209, DOI: 10.1080/01411896.2022.2081920


Angela Mace, adjunct assistant professor at Shenandoah Conservatory, is teaching the graduate topics course "Sound, Silence, and Embodiment: Musical Monuments" in Fall 2022.  The class is enrolled to capacity at 14 students, both masters and doctoral level. 


The Royal Society of London performed Fanny Hensel's Easter Sonata, attributed to Hensel by Angela Mace, on International Women's Day 2017. The piece, long thought to be the work of Hensel's brother, Felix Mendelssohn, was performed by pianist Sofya Gulyak at the Royal College of Music in London.

In 2010, while a musicology graduate student at Duke, Angela Mace obtained access to an original manuscript held in a private collection. She recognized Hensel's handwriting and musical style, but also that the pages she was holding were those missing from a volume of Hensel's works. Mace's discovery proved that the Easter Sonata was written by Hensel, rather than her brother, Felix, as had been previously thought.

The presentation of the Easter Sonata under Hensel's name on International Women's Day 2017 gives long overdue credit to a talented composer. Writer and film-maker Sheila Hayman (Hensel's great-great-great granddaughter) shares more about Fanny and the Easter Sonata in The Guardian.

Graduation Year




Angela Mace