Georgiary Bledsoe

SankofaSongs is the non-profit arm of BaobaoTree LLC, a company founded by Georgiary Bledsoe that equips K-12 music educators with tools for teaching music of the African Diaspora in ways that convey authentic practice, provide cultural context and center the voices of culture-bearers by supplying curriculum, training and professional development.

Prior to founding BaobaoTree, Bledsoe was the Founder and Executive Director of BUMP The Triangle, an arts organization in central North Carolina that empowers urban youth through African diasporic music and mentoring. BUMP-The Triangle was inspired by Bledsoe's work with the Boston Urban Music Project while she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Brandeis University and a Lecturer at Tufts University.

Graduation Year




Bump: The Triangle on My Carolina Talk
Georgiary Bledsoe